family medicine
Amanda Rosaasen MD and Taelor Young PA-Care not accepting new patients.
If your insurance card lists Jonathan Rosaasen MD or Amanda Rosaasen MD as the primary care physician then you can schedule an appointment. Dr. Jonathan Rosaasen is accepting new patients through his concierge model MDVIP. For more information, here is the link: MDVIP
Rosaasen Family Medicine is a family and aesthetic medicine practice located in Thousand Oaks, California. Owned and operated by Dr. Jonathan Rosaasen and his wife, Dr. Amanda Rosaasen, the first-rate practice serves patients throughout Ventura County and the greater Los Angeles area.
Drs. Rosaasen are guided by the belief that “old-fashioned” doctor-patient relationships aren’t a thing of the past. At Rosaasen Family Medicine, patients are encouraged to be active participants in their own health care. Health maintenance and preventive medicine are the practice’s primary focus because both Drs. Rosaasen strongly believe that many diseases and their complications can be avoided or minimized through lifestyle modifications. At Rosaasen Family Medicine, every patient receives personalized care designed to meet their needs and health goals.
Because Drs. Rosaasen strive to minimize their administrative duties, they’ve made Rosaasen Family Medicine a fully functioning paperless practice. This allows both physicians to have secure access to patients’ medical information at any time. It also gives patients a way to communicate with Drs. Rosaasen and office staff, request prescriptions, schedule appointments, and view labs and studies.